
Coffitok (Graduate course project)

From identifying user needs to iterating prototypes, a 10-week project in user centered design **(opens external project link)**

Tangible UI: Augmented Shadow Play

Shadow Play aims to enhance playful shadow experience to more advanced creative form of art by allowing users digitally manipulate their shadows. By adding new digital affordances Shadow Play, users can print and add layers of multiple shadows onto the screen, and invigorate them with animated effects and motions. With such various mix of augmented shadow effects, users can ...

Feature Prioritization in Classification of Novel Objects

Object classification is essential to human learning as it helps us cope with various stimulus around the world. Regardless of multiple features within a single object, object classification seems to occur seamlessly within our cognitive process. In this experiment, we test how we prioritize each feature within an object and how these features are weighted when we categorize a certain

Yelp Dataset Challenge

By analyzing Yelp’s dataset, specifically star ratings and text reviews, we created a classifier that predicts whether reviews are positive (star ratings of four or five) or negative (star ratings of one or two). We excluded star ratings of three because we weren’t sure whether they were positive or negative. While Yelp’s star ratings are helpful for concise overview of local businesses

Homy, private social network for families

Ideated and developed a prototype to win $5k funding and government support